Generate Passive Income with Crypto Trading Bots

Crypto Trading Bots

Nowadays, lots of teams and platforms provide crypto trading bots for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It’s a hassle for a crypto trader to choose between these services. Many functions that a well-executed bot can conduct for you are box trading (GRID bots), DCA trading,
rebalancing, data collection etc. What exactly can you improve with trading bots? Let’s take a look.

1. Repetitive Tasks:

Repetitive tasks consume a lot of time and effort. A crypto trading bot will allow you to virtually “copy and paste” specific tasks to conduct trades with ease. One of the best ways where bots can help with repetition is in periodic rebalances. If you want to conduct daily rebalances, then you’ll need to, as the name suggests, rebalance your portfolio every day. So, you have two options:

  • Set the alarm every day to rebalance the portfolio and lose your sanity in the process.
  • Create a rebalancing bot and program it to rebalance your portfolio every day till the end of time.

2. Timing:

Timing and achieving a high degree of accuracy in your trading is essential for successful trading. Every single trade that you make can have an enormous impact on your potential earnings. Let’s take an example. Suppose the price of Bitcoin is going down, and you want to sell your position the moment BTC breaks through a certain key support. If you were to do this manually, you’d have to patiently and carefully observe the price chart, and even then, you may not pull the trigger at the right time because you may think that the price could go up again. The bot can be programmed to monitor the market and execute a market sell order at the level where you have set the sell / stop-loss order. Bots do not have emotions and that´s a big advantage, because emotions are a money killer! Also on the buy side bots are much faster and much more accurate than humans could ever be. Trading bots can receive many different buy signals frequently on multiple time frames in almost real-time and the bot can be programmed that it only places a buy order (start condition) if multiple buy signals are occurring simultaneously and only if other conditions are met (min. trading volume, Sigma deviations etc.) which increases the probability for a price spike after the entry. A human trader rarely can focus on multiple time-frames and never has such a high accuracy than a trading bot.

3. Complications can be simplified:

Consider the example of multi-asset “composite bots”. Composite algo bots basically do the same work as multiple simple bots, but have the advantage that the fund usage is optimized (higher utilization of your money).

  • The idea is to have just a few professional programmed composite algo bots which monitor through numerous trading pairs instead of numerous simple bots which can only focus on just one trading pair respectively and reserve/lock much more funds.
  • Every single trading pair needs to be carefully determined as per its timing, asset quantity, and trading volume by the composite bot.
  • Market data which the composite bot receives from hundreds of trading pairs needs to be analyzed carefully in real time and the bots needs to react and has to execute trades in a specific
    time-limit before the market conditions change.

It seems pretty easy-to-understand, right? However, the execution of such trades would be nearly impossible without super-fast servers and modern application programming interface technology. This is just one of the many examples of the several complexities that trading bots and bot programmers are faced with.
Some strategies would be almost impossible or very hard to implement.
However, trading bots can be used to automate these complicated and seemingly impossible strategies. For implementing and backtesting such complex strategies Asset-Ethology uses tools provided by Prosum-Solutions and 3Commas backtester which are compatible with TradingView where these tools can be added as customs indicators & strategies for testing and optimization. 

Since 2017 we are offering our trading bots which we are optimizing since then, not only with backtesting, but also with AI. For instance, real world trading data from our live-bots we are analyzing not only with ChatGPT, but also with DeepSeek. We prefer DeepSeek, because we can run it offline locally on our workstation and so our valuable data can be protected. Also for optimizing the trading algorithm we prefer DeepSeek, because it has been trained by the
High-Flyer quant fund. 

Best crypto trading bots 2025:

3Commas is one of the most famous crypto trading platforms. The UI is for new as well as for professional traders. As their users become more and more professional, they turn their product development for advanced pro users and so they have developed a trading bot interface for professional bot traders. So if you’re a professional bot trader already, then you should try 3Commas.

  • There are three < subscription levels > — Starter, Advanced and Pro.
    The “Basic” level costs $29/month, the “Advanced” level $49/month while
    the latter costs $99/month and has a lot more features.
  • Cryptocurrency trading bots on 3Commas can implement multiple 
    strategies based on various technical indicators.
  • The 3commas community is very professional and you can buy some
    < online courses > to learn how to work with their trading bots.

Watch 3Commas Video Tutorial  and our Trading Bot Video

Try 3Commas Now
(get up to 50% discount)

Our Special Offer for You:

As mentioned above the disadvantage with 3Commas trading bots is, that it is only for professional traders which have a in-depth knowledge about trading and
long-term experience with trading bots and bot analysis and optimization.
Most people are unsuccessful with using simple trading bots or copying trading bot configurations from other traders. Therefore our special offer is that we create and manage trading bots (DCA bots, signals bots or GRID-bots) for you completely for free for the fist month, if you use our sign-up links to open a new crypto exchange account.
With this link you will receive 5% commission kickback which lowers your trading fees. Low trading fess are essential for all kinds of trading bots and also for re-balancing. 
We will offer this service only a limited time for free, in near future we will introduce setup-fees and performance fees.

We will connect to your crypto exchange via API key which you need to create after you have opened your account with our sign-up link. Default API settings are that deposit and withdrawals are disabled and you should never allow withdrawals in API settings for security reasons. By now you should understand, that for any employees of AEME it
is impossible to steal your cryptos, therefore there is no reason to be fearful.
We just manage trading bots on your account and you can cancel anytime. For us the intensive is to optimize our trading bots even more which is easier when we have more assets under management. AEME will only make some small profits from referral commissions – that´s all.

For more information you should read our < Trading Bot Presentation >

Keep in mind that we do not offer this service for everyone. Your portfolio needs to have a Bitcoin equivalent value of at least 0.05 BTC. We prefer portfolios with at least 50% in Theta (USDT) and the reamining funds in BTC (and/or ETH). Furthermore you need to create a < Binance > | < ByBit > | < KuCoin > | < HTX > or < OKX > account.
You just need to fulfill these basic requirements and then you are
finally ready to generate passive income with crypto trading bots! 

Besides trading bots we also offer a portfolio re-balancing service: 
Our portfolio balancer can  manage your cryptocurrency holdings to reflect the principles of Modern Portfolio Theory. But our portfolio balancer does not work together with trading bots, you will need 2 separate portfolios if you want to use both, or you can only use our portfolio re-balancing service or trading bots without re-balancing. 

If you are interested please use the contact form on the “Contact” page and
type “Trading Bots” in the subject field and then enter your request.

In case you want to start right away you can already create a < Binance > |
< ByBit > | < KuCoin > | < HTX > or < OKX > account and the API key.
See < API Instructions >:
Binance API instructions
 – ByBit API instructions
 – KuCoin API instructions

We also recommend to add sub-accounts under your main account.
Here you can find our documentation for adding sub-accounts: < Instructions >

*) KYC is not required on HTX if you do not deposit or trade
   any FIAT currencies. We do not recommend to trade cryptos with FIAT currency
   pairs due to tax reasons, use stable coins like USDT or USDC instead.  

Trading-Bot Performance with 3commas Algo-Bots

Binance Crypto Trading-Bot Account Registration


Binance - the safest, fastest growing, most user friendly Bitcoin / altcoin trading platform with extremely low fees.

Please contact us after you have opened a new Binance account with the registration link above.
After we have validated your registration we will send you instructions that you can create a Binance API key.
Afterwards you send us our API key that we can activate our algo bots on your account.
If you have special wishes just inform us when you send us your API key.

ByBit Account Registration for Leveraged Trading-Bots


Trade like a PRO on Bybit futures trading platform and profit from raising 📈 as well as from falling 📉 markets and get up to $3650 BONUS!

Please contact us after you have opened your ByBit account with the registration link above.
After we have validated your registration we will send you instructions that you can create a ByBit API key.
Afterwards you send us our API key that we can activate our algo bots on your account.
If you have special wishes just inform us when you send us your API key.

Ledger - Crypto Beginners Pack
Feedback & Reviews

What customers are saying about me and about our services at AEME?
Read about what experience they have made with us.
Some of the latest feedback / reviews we have received:

“I personally know the president and CIO of Asset-Ethology for almost 10 years now. We have studied together at the Staffordshire University. He has graduated there in the field of computer science and AI. He is an AI specialist and has in-depth knowledge in finance.
For this reason I trusted him and assigned him to manage a part of my portfolio with his AI trading bots. So far I´m very satisfied with the performance.”

Jo Greenstreet

Senior Finance Manager at Bentley Motors Inc

“Portfolio managers at AEME are very professional. They manage portfolios of their clients based on their personal circumstances and create a personal risk-profile for them. They´re not only focused on good portfolio performance, but also keep the risk controlled with portfolio rotation strategies, hedging-strategies, downside-protection mechanisms like stop losses etc. Finally I have found a company which I can trust, which manages my crypto assets with controlled risk. “

Manson Wong

CPA – Accounting Officer at ING-DiBa

“I am working for Cointelegraph as Copywriter and so I am well informed in crypto space. However, in most cases the information I publish in my crypto articles are just news. You should never invest based on news because someone, some insiders are ahead of you and when you read the news it is already too late to make any financial decisions based on this. Therefore, I have subscribed to AEME´s insider reports. The information revealed in these reports is so valuable that I have already gotten back 100-times the money which I have invested for these reports. That´s no joke – seriously! “

Janice Griffin

Copywriter at Cointelegraph

What Can We Do for You?

If you are fully committed we can teach you how to become financially independent over the long-run. This is no rich quick scheme or a ponzi system! However, if you have the right mindset if and are willing to learn new things and if you stick to your plans and to the strategy we reveal, you can achieve everything with our guidance.

We at Asset-Ethology offer various services for our clients.
Do not hesitate to contact us.

We help others to stop losing their hard earned money and to teach them how to become a successful trader/investor.
With crypto finally everyone has the opportunity to front-run Wall Street and to become financially independent faster than ever before. 

We are working very hard for our clients, to help them to reach their financial goals. We always do our best and improve our services regularly.

You should be aware, that you need to have a strong mindset to stomach the extreme volatility in crypto space, but that´s the price you have to pay for unbelievable life-changing returns. On our website you can also find free eBooks and AudioBooks for personal development and mindset. Mindset is one of the most underrated things when it comes to investing and trading.

We help you to become educated and financially independent.

One of the most important asset is financial education.
The most important commodity is insider information. Every time there is a considerable asymmetries in information between the masses / herd and insiders you can benefit extensively from this information asymmetry.
With the insider information we provide you can even front-run Wall Street!

For this reason we recommend to read some of our reports to acquire  insider knowledge before contacting us. The more informed you are when contacting us, the more valuable, custom-tailored advice we can give you.

Reports & eBooks

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Need Advice?

If you are new to trading / investing and if you have never heard anything about masternodes, trading bots or DeFi and you have no glue where to start we will help you to find out what is the best for you. This depends on many factors, like on your age, long-term goals and the current financial situation you are in right now. There is no “one-fits-all” approach for wealth building. You can book a free consultation session – just contact us with the contact form which you can find on the “contact page” or join our community.

Please note, Asset-Ethology – Association for Research of Monetary Energy (hereafter “AEME”) is NOT a REGISTERED BROKER, ANALYST OR INVESTMENT ADVISOR. Services, content and information provided by AEME are educational and should not be treated as financial advisory services or investment advice.
Do not take the opinions expressed explicitly or implicitly in this communication as investment advice. The opinions expressed are our own and are based on statistical data analysis. Past performance does not guarantee future success. In addition, the assumptions and the historical data based on which an opinion is made could be faulty. All results and analyses expressed are hypothetical and are NOT guaranteed. Trading and investment in cryptocurrencies involves substantial risk of loss and is not recommended for anyone that is not a trained investor — it shall be. Conducted at your own risk. It is recommended that you never risk more than you are willing to lose. Leverage trading has large potential rewards but also large potential risks. If you are not an investment professional please consult one before risking capital. Statistically back-tested trading ideas are generated by AEME´s own proprietary artificial intelligence algorithms.
AEME is not responsible for any losses that occur as a result of our services.